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Physician Profile: John Tronnes, MD

Published April 2022 | In Spring 2022

Dr. Tronnes places a high value on family. That’s what brought him to the Black Hills, and it shines through in his practice, no matter the setting.

Physician Profile: John Tronnes, MD Media

My Role

My role at Monument Health Lead-Deadwood Clinic is to provide a full spectrum of care at both our clinic and Critical Access Hospital. I see people of all ages for all their health needs. I offer newborn care, pediatric care, prenatal care, men’s health care, women’s health care and geriatric care. I see patients in the hospital when needed, in the Emergency Department for emergent conditions, and in the clinic for preventative health maintenance as well as chronic disease management. I am new to the clinic and still building my practice, but hope to establish care with many patients in the Lead-Deadwood area.

My Goal

My goal has always been to be a partner in my patients’ health. I hope to improve the health of our community members by working closely alongside my patients. I strongly support patient autonomy and their right to choose what health care options are best for them based on their past medical history and current life situations. I see myself as a teacher of health care and like to provide a patient with options to help them get where they want to be with their health and wellness.

My Passion

My passion is family. After my wife and I had our daughter in 2020, we moved to South Dakota to be closer to my sisters who live in Sturgis. This passion is one of the reasons I went into Family Medicine — I want to be involved in an entire family’s life. I find medicine much easier to practice when I can get a sense of the health of all the members of a family. I provide prenatal care because I want to be part of the beginning of the family and be able to provide care from the start of life to the end.

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